Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lessons Learned

Syke. Well maybe. I really just wanted to use syke, back in middle school that was my shizzy. My guess is that many people don't remember this fad, but for those who do many LOL's. All you youngins most likely think I misspelled skype or something.

1. syke

Basically street slang for pretending, used in place of "playin" or "jokin"
yo momma just fell down the stoop... SYKE !

2. syke

a common misspelling of " word psyche"
"you're hot... Syke!"
"you moron, it's spelled psyche!"

Have I learned all of my lessons? Nah. Not even close. I have some patterns that are pretty easy to pick up on. Will that ever change? Only time will tell. Some lessons are really never completely learned, and we must learn them over and over again.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
-George Santayana

Boy does this one ever hold true.

1 comment:

Simone McCupcakes said...

hahaha T-Dog, you are one of the funniest guys I know....syyyke! Ok not really syke...I meant it. I was born in 86 and I remember syke..although thanks to your blog I now know the correct spelling! I always used “siiiike”.....*sigh*...illiterate!