Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The View

I've done many things just to see what I was really made of, sometimes that meant not liking the view. Does that mean I regret going balls out on some things. Hell no. In fact in retro I wouldn't do much differently. Without knowing what the view was, I would have always wondered.

I am not made up of sugar and spice and everything nice maybe, but I do have a little bit of that in me. I'd like to think its a pretty good recipe, but even coca-cola changes the recipe up every now and then. I think I am ready for some new ingredients, maybe even work on the packaging.

Random? Hella. But makes sense to me. I guess you kinda have to be here to get it sometimes.


But for ex's...ExFax. Don’t take chances on your next ex. Get EXFAX Reports!

The first step to protecting yourself against buying used cars with costly hidden problems. EXFAX searches its nationwide database and provides a detailed ex history report in seconds. Just enter their name below.

Why does this not exist? Just type the name of a potential partner and you could see all the past owners and what they have to say about that ride, not to mention how many miles she really has. I was talking to Sherry yesterday and this hit me. Screw my site, I think I need to come up with a relationship checker.

Anyways, one can dream right? Back to work. Later gators.